Thursday, August 20, 2009
Why Gay Men Should Rule the World
Oh Shit! What's that? Barney Frank's inner queen just came out and slapped this right wing nut job upside the head. Leave it to a homo to set your crazy ass straight. He don't play. Let's elect more queers to Congress...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tokin' Up

The 20th Annual Hempfest was this weekend in the Emerald City. Last year's marijuana festival had eluded me because I was such a new resident. I didn't know it had happened before it was already over. This year, not so.
The Hempfest is a festival that, I guess, "celebrates" marijuana. Rows of booths tote the praises of the herbal messiah while attendees enjoy a toke out in the open, guarded by police officers who are there with strict instructions to only keep the peace. It is right along the waterfront in a section of town that, throughout the year, is frequented by wealthy tourists.
There is something fairytale-ish and surreal about watching large groups of people smoke weed while the police are casually mingling amongst them, only ready to spring to action if someone gets violent. Which never happens, cuz, dude, man, they're smoking pot.
While I appreciated the novelty of the festival and the shear turnout for the event, a larger, more pungent factor prevailed. Hippies are dirty and dirty smells. I am a strong believer in achieving a sense of balance in one's life. I think it's safe to say that if you fail to bathe regularly due to your love for the ganja, you have failed to achieve this balance. The wafts of patchouli that emanate from their B.O. ridden bodies are the icing on the cake. Just writing about it brings me back to that place. It is a dark place. You get the picture?
My main criticism of Hempfest would be that it was very counter-cultural. It gives the impression that the only people who smoke weed, or want to legalize and regulate it for recreational use, are stank ass hippie-motherfucken reggae enthusiasts. Clearly this is not the case, but you wouldn't know any better by attending Hempfest. If you want any sort of political change, throw up a couple of cool ass- partying lawyers and a red-eyed city council member. If you make them feel welcome, they'll come. Seriously, it's Seattle.
I was struck with the absurdity of having a festival around an agricultural phenomenon that the country considers an illegal drug. Everyone knows what you do at Hempfest, there are thousands of people there, and the police are brushing up alongside you trying to get through the crowd. It seems that something in our law needs to change to reflect public opinion and behavior. How are you going to house all these people in a holding cell? And the smell. Oh, God.
Hempfest was an experience that I'm glad I had. I won't need to go next year.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mob Rule
The new Republican strategy is out: try to dominate the health care debate by yelling at the top of your lungs at public town hall meetings. The more disruptive, the better. During the August recess, most Congressmen have traveled back to their home districts in order to meet with their constituents regarding the legislative agenda. Many of them have been confronted by radical conservatives that are convinced that Obama's plan is to kill all the old people and institute policies of 1930s Germany.
Republican leaders, both of the elected and talk-show variety, are fueling the flames of this insanity, and encouraging civil disorder and mob rule at these town hall meetings. They are counting on the xenophobia of their base to excite disruption and ensure that health care reform fails. Rush Limbaugh, on his website, compared the symbol the Obama administration has created for health care reform with the symbol of the SS officers in Nazi Germany. The message is clear: Obama is Hitler, and he must be stopped.
It does not surprise me that the Republicans are resorting to fear to shut down intelligent debate. They have been using this MO for decades in the 'war' on drugs, the 'war' against gay marriage, the real war in Iraq, the 'war' against Clinton fellatio, and many other manufactured threats. Fear is how they win elections and how they attack their opponents. It replaces actual ideas, which are lacking in their party right now. What I do find appalling is with how little is required for them to compare our president to Hitler.
Obama's been in office for eight months and is working aggressively to promote his health care agenda. His views on health care, and his desire to succeed at reform, were not a secret when he was running for office. He talked extensively about health care on the campaign trial last year. The American people went to the polls in November and elected him. They wanted a president that would tackle the health care industry. That's what he is doing. It's not a surprise, yet somehow Republicans seem very taken aback.
It is OK to disagree with the President. It is OK to speak out against governmental policies that you don't like. But for conservatives to encourage uncivil disruption at forums meant to share and discuss information is wholly un-American. Our founding father's did not risk their lives to form this country so that crazy people could shout down their elected leaders at town hall meetings. It is a disgrace to democracy. These people are the same ones who told liberals to leave the country when they were opposed to the war in Iraq. Their rhetoric on almost every issue, even when they enjoyed political power, is unwavering stubbornness. Their speech is constantly hateful, unhelpful, and appeals to the base of our reptilian brains. Perhaps the scariest part is that they actually believe their own fabrications.
Is this what we have to look forward to for the next three and a half years? Let's hope not. Intelligent Republicans, take your party back from the fringe whack jobs, and offer your solutions to reforming health care. Debate is welcome, but fear and intimidation is getting tired in the face of a problem that needs real solutions.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The 'F' Word

The past few days have been an interesting display of the uglier side of human nature, of our primal urge to separate ourselves from that which is different. As a gay man living in Seattle, Washington, I rarely encounter intolerance to my natural persuasion. Us gays have a thriving community here that supports each other, and plenty of establishments to patron that we're sure to see other gay people, being gay, and not giving a shit.
I have been living in Seattle just a few days shy of a year. During that time, I have been so thankful for the gay community here as I think back to where I moved from a year ago. Deep east Texas. Not bad people, but just not quite on board yet. I knew that I was not going to able to have there what I have discovered in Seattle. In the South, the word "faggot" carries with it a harsh sting, but it's a word that you almost expect to hear of out someone at some point. It is the cost of living as an openly gay person in the Bible belt. Groups come to protest on your street with signs that declare God's hatred for faggots, and other Christian groups gently distant themselves from the more abrasive elements of the protester's message and look the other way. It's how the game is played.
In Seattle, you will get your face clubbed in with a queen's four inch heal for that kind of language. The threat of such a fate keeps utterance of that word to a bare minimum. Which makes it that much more caustic when you hear it.
Last Tuesday, while on our way to a birthday dinner for a friend, Kevin and I were strolling down the street in Belltown holding hands. The day was hot, and many people were outside to escape the heat of their high rise apartments. We were passed by a portly blonde with a spaghetti strap dress and a $4000 pair of cleavage, clutching a man's arm twice her age.
"Are you guys faggots?" her cracked out voice shrilled.
My reaction, having been seasoned in the South, was to ignore the apparent idiocy of the person. Kevin had a different reaction. Being from the Northwest, the word produced a snappy comeback about her retail breasts and need for another dye job. I realized that I was perhaps too passive about my willingness to except the outburst as something that comes with territory of walking around town, being who you are. I simply did not even want to dignify her insult with a response.
A few days later, I was coming home from a party in the wee hours of the morning, and stopped at a light. Next to me were a bunch of fratberries and their girlfriends, most likely coming back from a night of clubbing in Pioneer Square. "Hey, faggot," one of them said, as he rolled down the window to taunt me while I was next to him on the scooter.
Now, I will readily admit that the scooter is a little bit gay. I probably look a little bit gay while I'm scooting around on it, and you know what, I am a little bit gay. But the insult, coming from someone who had clearly had enough to drink, brought me back to South. It reminded me of how common the caricature of this guy is down there. And apparently they are migrating. Again, my response was to ignore this guy, as his girlfriend chided him from the backseat to shut his bigot mouth. Ah, straight girls, how do you deal?
The two incidents, occurring so closely together, were coupled by a third this week when I received an email from an acquaintance from high school. It was simply the most recent in a handful of emails that I have received from a person from my past that has discovered that I'm openly gay through Facebook. Social networking sites are splendid for a variety of things, but one of the more bizarre traits of such sites in the way in emboldens people you have not heard from in ten years to suddenly email you about how "deeply saddened" they are about your "lifestyle," as though your life is so much different from theirs. Just because I have "chosen to be gay" it is not going to stop them from praying for me. To date I have received about five or six such responses, spread out over the two years since coming out.
While the language of the email was in no way as offensive as the previous interactions I have described, the underlying cause of the interaction is the same. There is still a large portion of the population that thinks that homosexuality is some sort of offense against God; an unnatural inclination. Those who hold such views, and mistake the writings of fallible humans as holy words, offer their God up in service of bigots and homophobes. They also feel emboldened to speak into someone's life regarding a subject they don't really know about. All the while forgetting that they are proselytizing someone with rot iron fortitude, fashioned by years of internal dissonance that comes from being gay in a fundamentalist world. But, like their Lord himself once said, "they know not what they do."
I would love to find some sort of gateway between these two worlds. My old one and my new one. But, when confronted by someone with a drive-by evangelistic mentality, it leaves very little option. They tell you things you already know, as though they forgot how trained in the faith you were as well. It is disappointing, because when I have these experiences I am reminded of how far we have yet to go.
On the upside, the progress that gay people have made in such a short time against thousands of years of collective oppression is nothing short of amazing. The fact that I can live my life the way that I want, openly and without shame, is not a reality that I take for granted. Getting called a "faggot" by crack whores is an easy price to pay.
My gratitude goes to those who have come before me. To the Harvey Milk's, the Ellen's, the Stonewallers. They took a stand when it was not popular and paid a very real price for their resistance. Thank you for your bravery and vision of a world that would someday accept you as equals. It's coming.
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