Saturday, December 13, 2008

Weathering the Northwest

I have not written for a while. There is a reason.

The weather sucks. And one thing that I have learned about myself is that my mood is greatly dictated by the weather. I have been depressed by the constant rain and darkness that has covered the upper left hand corner of the country for so long.

But tonight it is snowing. It's like magic. And it is supposed to snow for the rest of the weekend and a couple of times next week as well. Magic flakes falling ever so gracefully upon all the trees that I have looked at with such disdain for the last two months.

Ian and I went to the park tonight. We caught snowflakes with our tongues, watched other couples with their gay wig-like dogs, and held each other. It was fun. A nice change of pace from the regular wet, dark existence of Seattleites in winter.

The energy of everyone else was noticeable as well. People talked to each other, something that has not happened since the end of September. Maybe this is the universe giving us a break. Giving us a reminder that things really aren't all that bad. And they're not. The sun is always there, just beyond the clouds. Just because you can't see it, absorb the Vitamin D, and derive your sense of time from it, doesn't mean that it's not there. It is.

Depression is the human reaction to this weather. The clouds cover your essence and make you feel disconnected from the source. When you are used to feeling good, feeling powerful in your life, move to Seattle in the winter. It will teach you a lot about yourself. It will humble you quickly. You will learn that you are weak and whine like anyone else.

As a transplant from the South, you feel out of place. You privately discuss your struggle with the winter weather and absorb the negative energy with much greater sensitivity than those that have made their home here.

Color me humbled. But tonight it's snowing and I am smiling.


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