Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Impending Storm

There's a storm a'brewing. Apparently it is a storm of butt plugs, anal lube, cock sucking, nipple clamps, and lesbian scissoring. Sounds like a good, hearty storm to me, like the ones I am used to growing up in West Texas, but the religious right is not so pleased.

This television ad is currently running in many 'battleground' states as the GOP prepares the ground of the 2010 midterm elections; one they cannot afford to go as poorly as the last. Granted, the ad is a little campy, a little low budget, a little hokey. Considering the source, my only surprise is that Kirk Cameron didn't pop out to share the Gospel with me at the end.

The National Organization for Marriage is a recently established Political Action Committee (PAC) that is carrying on the war against homosexuals from being included in the institution of marriage. I would encourage you to go to their website and check it out at . It's boats loads of fun for the whole family.

Given their name you would think the organization would be committed to tackling divorce rates and curbing domestic violence. But that is simply not so. It is an old dog with a new trick. The election of President Obama has mobilized the new minority to take off their traditional garb of white sheet with matching hood and don a more modern apparel. The ad even suggests that equal rights for gay and lesbian couples are OK, but that somehow the "homosexual agenda" wants more. They want to impede on the rights of the religious to wallow in their ignorance and xenophobia.

I immediately noticed how vague the impeding clusterfuck of a threat is. I kept waiting for the punch line, but it never came. Just manufactured, intangible fear of change (or improvement). There is no resolution as to why the medical doctor would have to choose between her professional career and her faith if gay marriage became a reality. It just states the hypothetical threat, while a backdrop of brooding clouds gains behind her, and moves on. No explanation or elaboration, which I can only assume means there is not one. And it uses the same MO multiple times in the 60 second spot.

It is a little surprising that the Republican Party is still using the gay issue to divide voters and motivate their base. That's so 2004. However, chances are that you haven't seen this ad running on TV in your area. It is for a very select audience, and is only appealing to those who have never visited a major city or lack an internet connection. But, thanks to my internet connection, I have seen it and can now share it with you. Nothing is secret and no audience is select.

My initial concern is that the American people have not learned their lesson soon enough. That there are still people in the middle of the country that roll around in this catnip to make a political difference. It is the same tactic that worked in 2002 and 2004 regarding our "War on Terror," and the impending threat of whatever benefited the administration's agenda. Now I am the enemy waging war against my parents, my childhood friends, their families, my brother, and God. Will it ever end?

My real concern, however, is that they are on to us. It's true. We won't stop until every man, woman and child is gay, gay, and gay. I could go on and on, but tonight is Thursday and it's my shift to strap on my angel wings and pull on the skin tight speedo for recruiting. So, tootles, straight people, I'm gonna go make one of your children gay tonight. Snap.

Stepping back from the inflammatory tone of the ad and the personal nature of the attack at hand, I would like to take you on a little walk into the future. Ten years from now, when gay marriage is legal nationwide, and no one thinks about it anymore. This ad will still exist and be easy to recall online. As will Pat Buchanan's 1992 Republican National Convention speech(youtube it)and clips from Pat Robertson's 700 Club. These people represent the conservative movement and Christianity in our times. What is to become of them, their movement, or Christianity as a whole, when recent history will dictate they were wrong. Who is to trust them, or their faith, about matters as weighty as spiritual leadership and enlightenment? Who wants the guidance of their senile grandparents as they contort in disbelief every time they see our black president? A generation or two can make a world of difference, and a person's continued respect and legitimacy requires that you end up on the right side of history.

The impending storm may not be the one that you think. It might be self created. And it just might be the tsunami that snaps the cross in half and leaves two thousand years of spiritual oppression laying desolate in its wake. Good luck, Christians.


Jason said...

my problem is that these people "claim" to represent the conservatives. I am conservative and I actually know what that means. It means that i dont want the government messing with my businesses, church, personal life, etc. As such I don't understand why people feel they must use the government to keep a whole segment of our population from marrying. Why does it matter to them. It is your life, your body, etc do what ever you want.

The claim that they use that marriage is a holy union went out the door a long time ago when the divorce rate hit 50% and most marriages no longer took place in a church. It is a civil aggreement between two people to share their shit, and thats it.

I am a Libertarian and it is this very issue along with the claim that if you allow a female to do what ever she wants with her body that the world ends that made me run screaming from the GOP.

Jason said...

also the part about the doctor saying that she has to choose between faith and job does in fact bother me. If a woman is allowed to choose abortion I think a doctor should be allowed to refuse to perform it. If it is about choice then choice should cut both ways for everyone.

(the word verification at the bottom of this comment page says "mandom". That made me laugh"

K. J. Ellis said...