Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yes, We Can

I simply cannot pass up the opportunity to express with what joy I received the news of Barack's solid victory in South Carolina. This victory was in no way similar to Hillary's marginal wins in New Hampshire and Nevada. No, this was a 28 point victory. Voters from each demographic came out to vote for him 2 to 1 against the other candidates. I can only hope that this trend carries over into Super Tuesday on February 5th.

Barack Obama is a figure that America hardly recognizes anymore. The eloquent prose with which Obama projects his message fall on ears that have not heard such things since my parents were small children. There has never in my lifetime been a man with so much political potential, charisma, charm, or vision. I truly feel excited about the prospect of voting for him, in a way I have not felt about anyone I have voted for in the past.

This country is a dry, parched wasteland after the last seven years of Bush Administration policies. We are more divided than ever, more hateful than ever, more violent and fearful than ever, and along comes a ray of hope.

I grew up in a world where things were impossible. It was impossible have a black man, or a woman, become president. It was impossible to be honest about who you really were on the inside. It was impossible to question whether what you were being taught was the truth. It was impossible to stand up against the status quo, to create a new order. Fear controlled and consumed me. Kept me silent. Kept me invisible.

Yet, here is a man that tells me, "Yes we can." It is a simple, yet profound message that stirs the inner longings of the human spirit. We need to recognize the opportunity we have, as Americans, displayed before our eyes. There will be other chances, but let's take this chance. Let's realize Dr. King's dream. Let's carry on the tradition set by the great presidents and civil rights leaders of our history. Let's unite to elect a man who is hungry and passionate about leading us in a new direction. Someone who inspires us. Someone who gives us something to be proud of. Don't do it for the children. Do it for yourself.


Will said...

Hey Andrew, it's Will!

Awesome blog here, and I particularly love this post. As I was driving home from Carrie's house today, I was listening to Air America. Not having heard the news of Obama's win in South Carolina until then, I was pleased to hear it. I've been rooting for Hillary for a while now, but today as I was listening to all these progressive people call in and talk, I came to realize that Hillary really IS the status quo, and Obama really CAN change things. I wasn't even going to vote in the primary, but I think I will be going to cast my vote for Obama now. Like you, I'm very excited at the possibilities of the future.

I look forward to reading more from you. ;)

Take care,

Unknown said...

he gots a purty mouf.

Katie said...

you should work for his campaign.

Unknown said...

I like Obama, don't get me wrong, but I am worried about what may happen if a black man is elected as president. I am not opposed by any means, shot, I wanna vote for Hilliary so I could care less, but there are others that will. I wonder if he gets the presidency, should we give him a jacket with a bullseye marker? I think America needs change and I am as democratic as they come, bring me the ray of hope! But, can America accept so much change? Are the American people ready for such a large change? I don't know. The primaries say yes, so let us see what happens!